Injury / Accident Reports

Injury Protocol / Accident Reports

All injuries at practice or games (that are serious enough for medical attention either at the field or later at a doctor's office or hospital) should be reported to the manager ASAP and that manager in turn needs to send email to the MTGSA Executive Board right away explaining what happened and detailing the injury as best as possible.

Primary Insurance – Family’s own health insurance
Secondary Insurance – Monroe Rec Dept. (they’ll pay $1000 max)
To use this the Accident Report Form (see links below) needs to be filled out by the manager and brought to the Rec Center ASAP – deliver to Jeanne Crawley/Ass’t Superintendent. The injured player's parent/guardian should also fill out the form and give a copy to Jeanne. Good detail should be included in the “What Occurred” section.
Tertiary Insurance – Insurance (Bolinger) the MTGSA provides families through ASA Softball

*In addition, Bolinger provides insurance to our travel teams if injuries occur during a travel game*

Accident Report Form (MS Word version)
Accident Report Form (PDF version)