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Through a wide variety of sponsorships and customized advertising programs, MTGSA is ready to work with you and your business to maximize the exposure that is available for your company and its business objectives.
Join us in a combined effort to support a community pastime for our children and reach the vast audience that is ready to receive your company message.
Email us at MTGSASOFTBALL@GMAIL.COM for information.
Monroe Township Girls Softball Association (MTGSA) COVID-19 Protocols-2021
These best practices have been compiled from resources and direct guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), The Aspen Institute, among others. The MTGSA is focused on, first and foremost, following all directives and guidance from our state and local government. We encourage everyone visiting our complex to review and adhere to these guidelines.
Health Check:
· Anyone accessing Monroe softball fields (players, coaches, spectators, umpires, etc.) are subject to a temperature check prior to entering the complex.
· Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will not be admitted to the complex.
No Handshakes/Personal Contact Celebrations:
· Players and coaches should take measures to prevent all but the essential contact necessary to play the game. This should include refraining from handshakes, high fives, fist/elbow bumps, chest bumps, group celebrations, etc. Little League International suggests lining up outside the dugout and tipping caps to the opposing team as a sign of good sportsmanship after a game.
· Players and families should vacate the field/facility as soon as is reasonably possible after the conclusion of their game to minimize unnecessary contact with players, coaches, and spectators from the next game, ideally within 20 minutes.
Drinks and Snacks:
· Athletes, managers/coaches, and umpires should bring their own personal drinks to all team activities. Drinks should be labeled with the person’s name.
· Teams should not share any snacks or food.
· Players should bring individual, pre-packaged food, if needed.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
· All managers/coaches, volunteers, umpires, etc., should wear PPE whenever applicable and possible, such as cloth face coverings.
· Players should wear cloth face coverings when in close contact areas and in places where recommended social distancing is challenging or not feasible, such as in dugouts.
· Players, especially at younger divisions, are not required to wear a cloth face covering while on the field during game play.
· Players will be permitted to wear a cloth face covering on the field during game play, if physically able to do so, based on any directive of a medical provider or individual determination of the player/parent/guardian/caretaker.
· Managers/coaches and players should be assigned spots in the dugout or on the bleachers so that they are at least six feet apart and must be placed behind a fence.
· Players are to stay at their assigned spots when on the bench or while waiting their turn to bat.
· Players and managers/coaches should wear a cloth face covering while in the dugout.
· hand sanitizer will be available in the dugout and should be used as needed.
Player Equipment:
· Measures should be taken to avoid, or minimize, equipment sharing when feasible.
· When it is necessary to share critical or limited equipment e.g. helmet or catcher’s mask, it should be cleaned with an approved disinfectant for CVOID.
COVID Positive
· If a player/coach has a close contact with someone who is positive – player/coach must quarantine for 10 days from the last date of the close contact unless that player/coach is fully vaccinated.
· If a player/coach tests positive – that players’/coaches’ team must quarantine for 10 days from the last time they had contact with that person who tested positive.
· No quarantine is necessary for the opposing team – not considered close contact per CDC guidelines.
It is critical that these guidelines are adhered to ensure the safest and healthiest softball experience for everyone visiting Monroe Softball Complex. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Monroe Township Girls Softball Association Board.
A manager / coach requirement is that on-field/in-dugout volunteers also complete a concussion awareness training course. This course is online and should only take about 20-30 minutes. Here are the steps to follow to complete that training:
-- Go to https://nfhslearn.com/courses/61064/concussion-in-sports
-- Click on “Order Course”
-- Register & complete the course
-- At the end you will be given a certificate to download
-- Download the certificate and send it to mtgsarec@gmail.com with subject line "Concussion course cert for (last name)" so we can record it.
Injury Protocol / Accident Reports
All injuries at practice or games (that are serious enough for medical attention either at the field or later at a doctor's office or hospital) should be reported to the manager ASAP and that manager in turn needs to send email to the MTGSA Executive Board right away explaining what happened and detailing the injury as best as possible.
Primary Insurance – Family’s own health insurance
Secondary Insurance – Monroe Rec Dept. (they’ll pay $1000 max)
To use this the Accident Report Form (see links below) needs to be filled out by the manager and brought to the Rec Center ASAP – deliver to Jeanne Crawley/Ass’t Superintendent. The injured player's parent/guardian should also fill out the form and give a copy to Jeanne. Good detail should be included in the “What Occurred” section.
Tertiary Insurance – Insurance (Bolinger) the MTGSA provides families through ASA Softball
*In addition, Bolinger provides insurance to our travel teams if injuries occur during a travel game*
Accident Report Form (MS Word version)
Accident Report Form (PDF version)